發布時間:2021-11-23   |   瀏覽次數:1298


【活動】「跨文化思考與地球告急」國際工作坊(線上), 歡迎踴躍報名 !

International Workshop “Transcultural Thought and the Planetary Emergency”

Hosted by the PhD Program for Taiwan and Transcultural Studies at National Chung-Hsing University

The aim of this workshop is to explore the ways in which theories of transculturality may contribute to a better understanding of the planetary emergency. Global disturbances of the Earth system (e.g. in the form of climate change and ocean acidification) affect all human societies, but they do not affect them equally. Because the welfare of all human beings depends on the integrity of the Earth system, its protection imposes “common but differentiated responsibilities” on all, to quote the momentous formulation of the 1992 UN framework convention on climate change. The planetary emergency thus forces us to imagine new forms of solidarity based on a universal predicament, even as we acknowledge the divergent histories and cultural traditions that determine how specific groups encounter this predicament. It requires us to think together cultural diversity and a new universality that is not so much an heirloom from the past as it is a condition of futurity. The theory of transculturality developed by the philosopher Wolfgang Welsch and others is especially pertinent to this task. The aim of this workshop is to discuss how the perspectives opened up by transcultural theory can help us come to terms with the planetary emergency.


December 13, 2021

1:30 - 2:30
Keynote: Christoph Antweiler (Universität Bonn), “On a Transcultural Anthropocene: Basics for a Cosmopolitan Planetarism

2:45 - 3:45
Courtney Work (National Cheng-Chi University), “A Transcultural Approach to Development Aid in the Context of Climate Change”
Theodoor Richard (National Chung-Hsing University), "Being In-Between: Moving Towards a New Commonality by Experiencing Transculturality"
Moderator: You-ting Chen (National Chung-Hsing University)

4:15 - 5:15
Liew Zhou Hau (PhD University of Pennsylvania), "Ruins, Settlements, and the Transformation of the Sinophone: an Ecological Reading of Chang Kuei-Hsing's Elephant Herd."
Lorenzo Andolfatto (Université de Fribourg), “Rescuing Fiction from the Nation: A Comparative Reading of Chen Qiufan’s The Waste Tide and Wu Ming-yi’s The Man with Compound Eyes from a Transcultural Perspective”
Moderator: Li-hsin Hsu (National Cheng-Chi University)

5:30 - 6:30
Jean-Yves Heurtebise (Fu-Ren University), “Green Orientalism, Brown Occidentalism, and Transcultural Environmentalism”
Eric Nelson (Hongkong University of Science and Technology), “Reconsidering Daoist ‘Agrarianism’ and ‘Primitivism’ in the Anthropocene”
Moderator: Kai Marchal (National Cheng-Chi University)

December 14, 2021

1:30 - 2:30
Hannes Bergthaller (National Taiwan Normal University) and Eric Karchmer (Appalachian State University), “Earth System Science and Chinese Medicine: A Dialogue on Planetary Health”
Moderator: Chia-ju Chang (CUNY-Brooklyn College)

2:45 – 3:30
Closing remarks

Registration  Website(for general audience)https://reurl.cc/kL6dA9
Registration system(life-long-learning of government officer) --2 hours/ Each dayhttps://psfcost.nchu.edu.tw/registration/
In-service Teacher Education Website(First day)https://www2.inservice.edu.tw/NAPP/CourseView.aspx?cid=3294709
In-service Teacher Education Website(Second day)

Organizer: College of Liberal Arts、
International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies